18 September 2010


"I almost two." Sometime in June I started teaching Noah to say this, knowing that all too soon I would have to teach him, to drop the "almost."  After some thinking and planning, Noah's second birthday bustled in with a bang! We had lots of friends and family over to help us with the celebration. The sad part of the day is that I didn't spend much time with the birthday boy at all; rather most of it preparing for the party. I must take note of this and change things accordingly in years to come. I couldn't have done it without the help of loved ones. Noah's Grams, Nana and Papa came in town to help celebrate, and before they had a chance to, I put them to work! Papa made all the ice cream and Grams, Nana and Daddy helped with all the other food and decorations!

Kids played, swam and smeared ice cream all over their faces, and the adults enjoyed some ice cream too, while we visited and laughed at our crazy children who were all on sugar highs!

When thinking about Noah's little life, this verse came to mind: "I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." Psalm 139:14. Oh, does my soul know this! With as many things as I struggle with in my spiritual life, this is not one of them.  I am so proud of Noah, and so thankful that God has made him into this special little person. He's speaking in sentences, he knows his colors, he's beginning to learn his shapes, he says, "yes mam," "no sir," "thank you" and "please," he gives the best hugs and kisses, he is generally obedient, and his imagination keeps our days filled with laughter. He is so "wonderfully made!" It amazes me that God knew he would be all of these things when he was yet in my womb. I am so thankful for this little person that gets to belong to me.

Here are some of the pictures from our fun birthday day...
Happy second birthday Noah. I can't wait to see what year three will bring us!
(pictures focused on the party decor, here.)

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