26 July 2011

Secure in His Manhood

This outfit really did happen! Noah had an accident at a friends today, and I didn't have a change of clothes with me. Friend, Meri, had just given me a baby gift for London, which included these little pants. What was a mom to do? It was either this or naked! I'm sure Noah's grandfathers would have voted for naked! Ha! Meri, who is from Italy, said that no one would have batted a lash to see a boy dressed like this. Funny how different cultures can be from one another.
And PS, Matt took this picture and almost posted it on Facebook himself...he thought it was hilarious!


Anonymous said...

he is cute no matter what he is wearing! :)

Anonymous said...

...and i find it extremely interesting that he can wear his baby sister's clothes at the age of 3. this does not bode well for a great sibling relationship if this trend continues through the teen and adult years! :) LOL

evie said...

HA! so true mom! hopefully baby sister will be just as petite...if not, i'll have to figure that one out!

lucylucia said...

I think he looks manly!! :)

Janet Stark said...

haha! Love it! I showed it to the boys, and the first thing out of Parker's mouth was, "What! PINK PANTS! haha...That's crazy!". Tyler followed up with, "THAT's his underware?!!" Then in a concerned tone he said, "Mom, can we go to Noah's house?" I think he wants to set him straight! So funny!