13 April 2009

Noah Food

Apples, pears and cantaloupe were on my to do list today. Cantaloupe will be a new one for Noah...haven't given it to him yet though, so we'll see how that goes over. I added some cinnamon into his apples and pears, but he didn't really seem to notice. Guess that means he likes it? I read about making "Super Porridge" from the Super Baby Food book this morning, so tomorrow I'll shop for some organic brown rice and give that a go. I also read about making my own yogurt, which is a very specific process, so I'm going to wait until next week to tackle that project. I'm excited about trying it though.

Apple Puree


Cantaloupe Puree Noah enjoying his apples!
This was NOT for Noah! Courtney always writes about Almond Butter, so I bought some at Trader Joes today and spread it on a couple pieces of wheat toast and then sprinkled some chocolate chips on top for a mid-afternoon snack. I was seriously so full afterwards that I skipped dinner! Was it the protein that filled me up? I also drank a large glass of water with it. I like the AB. It's pretty intensely thick though, so the water is a must. The chocolate wasn't a bad touch either! :)

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