06 April 2009

Snow, Lunch and Ferber Talk

Check out the snow!!! St. Louis weather is totally manic!
In addition to the crazy snow, Gina and Marisa came over today for a mommy lunch! I made a quiche tart, banana muffins, chocolate hazelnut pastries, greens, and we had strawberries and grapes on the side. It was yummy! I love quiche, even though it doesn't love me :( Mommy's need a pick me up every once in a while, and that's how I'm justifying having made not-so-good-for-our-midsection type food! We had a good time chatting, eating, and playing with the kiddos. I'm enjoying getting to know these girls better. We seem to have many things in common in our parenting styles and researching interests. Marisa and Gina have read a lot about raising these little ones, so I'm going to be quite the sponge when I'm around them. I love swapping parenting advice with other women. I find it encouraging and so helpful! In fact, Gina is the one who really pushed me to try Ferber. She had great success with Will, and was even generous enough to loan me the book. She and Marissa, and (I recently found out) another friend, Shanna all experienced triumph with this method. I'm happy to report that last night (our 3rd night doing Ferber) Noah slept from 7pm to 5:15am! Matt and I decided that we would get really excited when this happens multiple nights in a row, but just one night was such a relief. Thanks for all the tips girls!

I made Noah blueberries last week and have since ruined multiple bibs, a couple of PJs, and several cloth diapers (that I use for cleaning him up). I think when Noah gets better with hand to mouth eating, I'll try them whole, but I think I'll say goodbye to the purple puree for now! At least they provided some cute pictures! What are some foods you feed your baby?

Noah loves his daddy, and Matt loves to make Noah laugh...it's pretty cute to watch.


Courtney (The Hungry Yogini) said...

Oh my gosh, look at that smile!!

I feed my baby lots and lot of...wait a second, I don't have a baby! But if I did, I'd put the same healthy foods and love into that sweet little belly that you put in Noah's!

Glad you had such a great lunch!

Lots of love,

Marisa Eash said...

That lunch was ridiculous. It was so yummy! Good times and company, too.

Hammocks and High Tea said...

Where are the pics of the hazelnut pastry?! How can I live vicariously if I don't have a picture!

Noah is absolutely adorable! Those big blues eyes are so amazing and is smile is hilarious! He's growing so fast. Can't wait for him and Gypsy to play together.

I know Baby Jack LOVES avocados! Sarah mixes half an avocado with rice cereal and a little water. He eats it up! She does this with sweet potatoes and bananas too. Not together of course!